Sample Prep
Third Party
Control Expansion Kit
Lambda DNA (LMD). Pack of six vials This is compatible with all DNA sequencing kits LOGIN TO SEE PRICESEXP-CTL001
Flow Cell Priming Kit XL
Additional flow cell priming reagents for our V14 kits. Note: This is only compatible with V14 chemistry. LOGIN TO SEE PRICESEXP-FLP004-XL
Multiplex Ligation Sequencing Kit XL V14
A sequencing kit optimised for high output and PCR-free low-plex sequencing of 2-3 samples for Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS). This uses our latest Kit 14 chemistry Product lead time: 1... LOGIN TO SEE PRICESSQK-MLK114.96-XL
Rapid Adapter Auxiliary V14
Additional Rapid Adapter and Adapter Buffer to enable customers to maximise the use of our rapid sequencing chemistry kits. Note: This is only compatible with V14 chemistry LOGIN TO SEE PRICESEXP-RAA114
Ultra-Long Auxiliary Vials
Additional library preparation reagents for the Ultra-Long DNA Sequencing Kit V14 (SQK-ULK114). Product lead time: 1 week Note: This is only compatible with V14 chemistry. LOGIN TO SEE PRICESEXP-ULA001
16S Barcoding Kit 24 V14
Genus-level bacterial identification with barcoding for up to 24 samples. Product lead time: 1 week This uses our latest Kit 14 chemistry. Preparation time: 25 minutes + PCR Read length: Full-length 16S gene... LOGIN TO SEE PRICESSQK-16S114.24
cDNA-PCR Barcoding Kit V14
A sequencing kit optimised for identification and quantification of full-length transcripts with highest output, including barcodes for up to 24 samples. This is an Early Access product Product lead time:... LOGIN TO SEE PRICESSQK-PCB114.24
cDNA-PCR Sequencing Kit V14
A sequencing kit optimised for identification and quantification of full-length transcripts with highest output. This is an Early Access product Product lead time: 2 weeks This uses our latest Kit... LOGIN TO SEE PRICESSQK-PCS114
COVID Mini V14: 576 samples
A simple, scalable and rapid method for sequencing up to 576 SARS-CoV-2 samples using our V14 chemistry. Product lead time: 1 week LOGIN TO SEE PRICESC19MINI114
Direct RNA Sequencing Kit
A sequencing kit optimised for sequencing native RNA with improved output and accuracy. This is an Early Access product. Product lead time: 1 week Preparation time: 135 minutes Read length: = RNA... LOGIN TO SEE PRICESSQK-RNA004
EEB Expansion
Additional Extraction EB (EEB) for the Ultra-Long DNA Sequencing Kit V14 (SQK-ULK114). Product lead time: 1 week Note: This is only compatible with V14 chemistry. LOGIN TO SEE PRICESEXP-EEB001
Flow Cell Priming Kit
Additional flow cell priming reagents for our V14 kits. Note: This is only compatible with V14 chemistry LOGIN TO SEE PRICESEXP-FLP004