Agencourt AMPure XP beads (Beckman Coulter, A63881)

The gold standard in bead-based, next-generation sequencing (NGS) cleanup—in fact, it’s suggested in over 200 library preparation kits from trusted sequencing companies.

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The AMPure XP bead-based reagent is intended for performing DNA cleanup steps in different genomic applications like sequencing, qPCR/ddPCR/PCR, microarrays, and other enzymatic reactions. It is powered by proven SPRI technology, which uses paramagnetic beads to selectively bind nucleic acids by type and size.

Works with DNA

High recovery of amplicons, greater than 100 bp

Efficient removal of unincorporated dNTPs, primers, primer dimers, salts and other contaminants

Predictable and consistent size selection

Maximizing recovery, consistency, and speed to facilitate the entire NGS workflow, the AMPure XP reagent meets the stringent needs of today’s genomic applications and minimizes the risk of losing important genetic information. That's why it's suggested in over 200 NGS library preparation kits often as the sole cleanup option, including those from the industry's most trusted sequencing companies like Illumina, Oxford Nanopore Technologies, PacBio and Thermo Scientific.


Nucleic Acid Input PCR products, fragmented DNA
Output DNA
Recovery AMPure XP reagent was developed for the purification of PCR products 100bp<. Normal recovery ranges from 60-90%, and is typically between 70-90%.
Bead Ratio 1.8X for cleanup.Learn more →
Format Liquid
Volumes 5 mL, 60 mL, or 450 mL
Applications PCR Purification, DNA Cleanup, NGS Cleanup
Processing mode Automated or manual
Technology SPRI paramagnetic bead-based technology
Storage 4 °C

Data and Performance

Below are Agilent TapeStation system traces of sheared gDNA purified using the AMPure XP reagent, which shows that AMPure XP reagent provides predictable performance while maintaining efficient recovery - proven by the relative differences between the reference and 1.8X ratio.

AMPure XP Beads Size Selection Chart - Beckman Coulter life Sciences
CHART COLOR Bead/Sample Ratio
PINK Input/Reference
RED 1.8X

Learn More

Don't Lose Critical Data

When so much more has been invested in your research, AMPure XP reagent is the only choice for purification and cleanup steps. Loss of yield during this critical step leads to loss of discovery in your research. With the AMPure XP reagent, users can retain up to 34% more genetic information compared to other cleanup reagents.

Investing in AMPure XP Beads for Cleanup and Size Selection Retains Up to 34% of Genetic Information

The infographic shows relative costs of the different steps required to perform various NGS applications. Steps include extraction, library construction, library enrichment, cleanup and sequencing. Costs were calculated based on average list price of commercially available kits and reagents in 2017. Cleanup efficiencies were calculated by determining the total DNA yield by Picogreen Assay after performing a cleanup procedure on a known amount of DNA. The percent yield relative to AMPure XP reagent performance was then used to calculate the impact of efficiency on various commercially available library construction methods and a change in purification reagent.

Workflows and Protocol

AMPure XP Manual Workflow

AMPure XP Beads - Manual Workflow - Beckman Coulter Life Sciences
  1. Bind DNA to magnetic beads
  2. Separate beads from contaminants
  3. Wash magnetic beads with 70% ethanol to remove contaminants
  4. Elute DNA from magnetic beads
  5. Transfer to new plate


AMPure XP bead-based reagent can be performed either manually or automated on a liquid handling system depending on batch size or overall throughput.

In the table you can see estimated hands-on time and total time, in minutes, required to perform 48, 96, and 4 x 96 AMPure XP cleanups.

To learn more about automation of the AMPure XP PCR Purification system on the Biomek i5 Multichannel 96 Genomics Workstation, read our application note.

Read the Application Note


Manual Workflow Automated Workflow
Batch Size 48 Hands-on Time 25 5
Total Time 25 22
96 Hands-on Time 30 5
Total Time 30 22
4 x 96 Hands-on time NR 10
Total Time NR 46

NR = Not Recommended


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