LongAmp Taq 2X Master Mix
NEB M0287S

LongAmp Taq 2X Master Mix- 100 reactions (50 µl vol.); Storage Temp: – 20°C; Shipping: Cool Packs; UN Code: 0000

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The LongAmp® Taq 2X Master Mix combines high quality NEB recombinant Taq DNA Polymerase with a trace amount of Deep Vent® DNA Polymerase. The 3´→5´ exonuclease activity of Deep Vent DNA Polymerase increases the fidelity and robust amplification of Taq DNA Polymerase (1). This ready-to-use mix offers two fold higher fidelity than Taq DNA Polymerase alone. A wide range of PCR products can be generated, up to 30 kb from lambda or human genomic DNA.

Amplification of specific sequences from human genomic DNA using LongAmp Taq DNA Polymerase. Amplicon sizes are indicated below the gel. Marker M is the NEB 1 kb DNA Ladder (NEB #N3232 ).

Product Source

An E. coli strain that carries the Taq DNA Polymerase gene from Thermus aquaticus YT-1 and an E. coli strain that carries the Deep Vent® DNA Polymerase gene from Pyrococcus species GB-D.

This product is related to the following categories:
LongAmp® DNA Polymerases Products, 
Master Mixes Products
This product can be used in the following applications:
Long Range PCR, 
Specialty PCR, 
Routine PCR,


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